Executive Coaching Course Content

Pre workshops

You will have access to your online learning portal including resources from the Academic Resource Centre. Before Workshop 1 we will invite you to undertake reading, reflection and online learning; this will require around 3-5 hours of study time.

Workshop 1 – Self-awareness as a coach

This workshop explores your personal skills and attributes, and your beliefs and values around coaching. A basic framework for coaching is introduced.

Workshop 2 – Tools and techniques

This workshop enables you to try out different tools and techniques and understand the underpinning psychological concepts. Carry out your first external client session (either with your own clients or let us arrange the client for you).

Workshop 3 – Integration

This workshop continues the development of coaching competences, provides opportunities for observed sessions with feedback, and the opportunity to integrate the materials into a coherent approach.

Post workshops

The programme continues with supervision, support and coaching skills development. In addition participants will have access to all the resources of the Henley Centre for Coaching, including online coaching journals, webinars from leading coaching figures from across the world and resources to help set up your coaching business.

Optional online sessions

Coaching supervision forms an integral part of the programme through the 9 months of study and participants will have access to regular online mentoring and supervision sessions during the latter 6 months of the programme (included within the programme fees).

Composition and assessment

The Henley Professional Certificate in Coaching comprises of 3 workshops and a subsequent practice period with supervision support. At the end of this period assessment is through a portfolio which includes a 2,000 word reflection on your development as a coach and a recorded coaching session demonstrating your coaching skills.